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2015 VITA Program Was A Success!

Central Texas Opportunities, Inc. along with the VITA Program (Volunteer Income Tax Assistance) would like to thank everyone for making this tax season a success! We like to give a special thanks to Shenika Arredondo for coordinating, TSTC for the use of their facility, and the IRS for ongoing assistance. This year the total refunds received were $430,431 with 381 families assisted. The free tax services saved these families approximately $57,000 that can go toward necessities.

Without the dedication and skills of the volunteers, the VITA Program would not be as successful. We would like to give a huge thank you to the following volunteers for their years of service and commitment to the community:

Loretta Rush with 8 years of experience James Procise with 10 years of experience Tom Allen with 10 years of experience Pat Dugan with 16 years of experience

Thank you to all who participated this year, we look forward to next year!

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